Monday, February 9, 2009


In the past few years, i've become obsessed with Scandinavian cooking and food. With the once-held belief that I was part Swedish on my father's side, I began to learn all about Nordic cuisine. (Oh yeah, my Dad says the family hails from POLAND. WTF, Pops? There were shady dealings that required a name change apparently)

I'm really torn on how to feel on things. I know I'd love to visit Sweden and Norway. I know i'd love most of the food. But HERRING? PICKLED HERRING? I just don't know what to make of that. In Las Vegas, there's a severe lack of Nordic food to even TRY it. I wish I could try it, to know if it would make my brain melt.

1 comment:

Giant Robot said...

As someone of (questionable) Nordic ancestry (my last name was changed for mysterious reasons) and other than loganberry preserves & so-called Swedish Meatballs, I share your curiosity as to the true flavor of authentic Nordic cuisine. Also... HA! Had to smile and LOL when I saw that HELLBOY is one of your favorite films! One of mine too! "What's a good solid word for need?" "Need is good." "Too needy." HA! Anyway, as a Las Vegas resident, can you recommend a reasonably priced sushi bar in LV? Is there such a thing here? Thanks!